Selling online   Leave a comment

Trying to get rid of a lot of clutter involves selling things. I think garage sales are a lot of work, and people want everything for next to nothing. I chose to get rid of some of the things I still have around by using Craigslist.

Craigslist has it’s seedy side, but most of my selling experiences have been good. Even my job searching experiences have proven to be fruitful in the past. I like how people will come to you, hand you money and then take the item away. This happened a lot at first, but then all of a sudden people responding to the ads were not being responsible, and some, were downright rude.

I waned to get rid of, what was, the waterbed, but was in pieces and really hard to reassemble. I listed it as free, and had at least 12 people inquire, but one person was insistent that they wanted it, and were coming from Indiana to get it. They were two hours later than they said, which kept me waiting for them to show. Being here when they say they are coming, has made me cut short workouts, leave the library early, and even miss important TV viewing! But I waited, once they got here, with a vehicle too small to take the parts of the bed, (which I had expressed to them was huge!), they said they would take part of it and come back for the rest. I agreed to this and went to the neighbors to ask if they could pull into their driveway to load up. As I came back, I saw their car pulling away, and when I tried to call, they didn’t answer!!! How rude? If they didn’t want the item, they could have just said so. 

Then there are the people who request the dimensions, extra pictures, etc. only to never respond after that. I ask if they are still interested, and even some of them do not reply then. Really, how hard is it to respond? 

I do not want to take away from all of the very nice, responsible people who have shown up, handed me money and taken their items away, without an ounce of trouble. I just wish everyone could be so good. I will be listing more items tomorrow, we’ll see how this weekend goes.


Posted July 25, 2013 by Laveda in Uncategorized

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