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The Trailer Tails   1 comment

My home


The trailer has been the best thing and worse thing for me. I bought the trailer back in New Jersey, when the scooter carrier quit working. I needed a way to tote the scooter and quite honestly, with the carrier I had, I was worried every time I loaded and unloaded the scooter, since I was not very strong, and the scooter seemed really heavy to me at the time. I think my improved strength would help me if I had that type of carrier now.

I had the worst experience of my traveling soon after I bought the trailer, when I was stuck in the road in front of a viaduct and could not turn around the RV and, it started raining as well! Read that post again if you’d like a laugh!

However, I got much better at manuevering the trailer, and that came in handy when I rented a uhaul trailer and backed it into the driveway and loaded it up to take some belongings to David In the Kansas City area.  I was able to feel comfortable with the trailer and for that, my own trailer experience was helpful.

Wire shelves in the trailer

While I was helping David and Jody move into their new home, I spotted some shelves Jody said she no longer wanted. I took them, mainly because they came completely apart and were easy to take back with me. I had a “vision” of how I could put them in the trailer and organize my things better. Hah! Famous last words.

While I was gone, without the trailer, I managed to stuff things into every compartment in the RV. I had the notion of organizing things once I was back reunited with the trailer. It felt chaotic and  couldn’t wait to get all my things organized again.

The resort here has a rule about trailers not being allowed on your site, which is not very good for me. My trailer is not only the garage for my scooter and bicycle, it also has a lot of things like tools that I store there, until needed. Basically, if the RV serves as my home, the trailer IS my garage. With the trailer stored in the lot, I have to go over and get whatever I need. It is just not nearly as convenient. However, when I returned to the resort I was told I could keep the trailer on my site over the summer, which made me really happy, so it has sat right next to me, which has been very convenient, and will really make me miss it even more once I am forced to move it back to the lot.

A couple of weeks after I returned here, in August, I was so excited to get

More shelves for my “stuff”

everything arranged in a somewhat reasonable fashion. I went outside and brought a fan, and set it up. I opened the back ramp door as well as the side door to the trailer, so the air could flow through. I worked hard, removing all the things from the RV compartments, and the trailer and reorganizing all the stuff I felt I needed to have with me. This is very debatable, since some of the items have not been used yet. But since I have lost weight, the good “skinnier” clothes I stored have been put back in my closet and I am glad I have them now!

I took the wire shelves and had to tie them all together and hang them, in a manner which I hope will be secure once I am pulling the trailer behind me again. This was my plan, since the sides of the trailer have some odd material which make it hard to secure things. It looks like wood, but it is not, and it is not nail friendly, either.

I was drinking water, but apparently I was not drinking as much as I should. The sun was beating down and in the 114 degree weather, just being in the shade was not enough. I was not even sweating, probably because it was drying as fast as the perspiration apeared. I became thristy, so I came in and downed a big glass of cold water, and went back out, thinking that was all I needed. I refilled my water bottle and continued to sip it.

I was learning how fast dehydration occurs. I finished up my organizing and proud of my work, went inside. This was about 5 hours after I had started, and all I wanted was liquids. I kept drinking, but could not satisfy my thirst. Then I felt tired, and not well. The symptoms of dehydration all came and I was like a ragdoll for the next 24 hours. Actually, it took me two full days to feel good again.

I learned my lesson with the heat of the dessert, which I knew was there, but did not realize how it can sneak up on you and when it does, you will succomb.

I have learned so much about this part of the country, which I did not know. If you had told me the dessert would be a regular place for monsoon season, I would have said “What is, not true, Alex” , but I also found out that there is a monsoon season. I was in the middle of it, and it was scary. More to come on that, I am going to drink more water.

Posted September 18, 2012 by Laveda in travel

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